Furnizor: Hikari Group SRL

O achiziție publică arhivată

Achiziții recente în care este menționat furnizorul Hikari Group SRL

2020-03-26   Technical Assistance for the Management of the European Public Space of the European Commission Representation in... (European Commission, COMM — Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.BC — Bucharest — Representation in Romania)
Technical assistance for the management of the European Public Space of the European Commission Representation in Romania and of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Romania. The objective of this contract is to increase citizens' awareness of the European Union (EU) in general, and of the priority themes in particular, by ensuring the daily operation of the EPS as well as organising information actions. Vizualizați achizițiile publice »
Furnizori menționați: Chelgate Ltd UK sucursala Bucureşti Hikari Group SRL